Against Modern Slavery
Bloomsbury Mill Limited
Bloomsbury Mill Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales (registered number 10204885) that manufactures soft textiles products across Asia and sells the items through its own website, e-commerce marketplaces, trade wholesalers and other retailers around the world.
Bloomsbury Mill always puts ethical business practices and policies at the heart of everything we do. Bloomsbury Mill prohibits slavery, forced labour and human trafficking of any kind in relation to business and our supply chain. We will not support or deal with any business knowingly involved in slavery or human trafficking. We wholeheartedly support the promotion of ethical business practices and policies to protect workers from any kind of abuse or exploitation in relation to our business and supply chain.
Supply chains
The vast majority of our products are manufactured and sourced from Asia and in turn, are imported into the UK, the USA or Europe.
We take a zero-tolerance approach towards slavery and human trafficking and we are aware that there may be a degree of risk when sourcing products manufactured in some parts of Asia. In order to manage risk, we undertake regular audits and checks of our suppliers to recognise their commitment to the cause of human rights and ethical trading and all of our suppliers have been audited to be compliant with the ISO: 9001 accreditation and other ethical or technical certification such as SMETA or OEKO-TEX.
Both new and existing certificates/reports are regularly verified as a check on compliance with local laws, regulations and our brand commitment. This includes reporting on labour practices, dangerous practices, unsafe machinery and child labour. Where practicable, members of our UK buying team visit all new and existing suppliers as part of our ongoing verification processes.
We will evaluate any instances of non-compliance on a case by case basis and will carry out any remedial action (where necessary) immediately.
Effectiveness and Review
This policy statement will be reviewed annually unless circumstances dictate that it should be reviewed more frequently.
We will regularly communicate with our employees and people in our supply chain, to ensure that they have an understanding to effectively deal with this issue of modern slavery and remind them of our pledge of compliance.
We will continue to work hard to build long standing relationships with our suppliers based on mutual trust and transparency.
We will actively encourage the reporting of any wrongdoing and protect whistle-blowers.
This statement has been approved by the board of directors of Bloomsbury Mill on 01-07-2021.